Climate, Racism & Zen leadership
White Supremacy, Climate justice and Zen: How to transform our hearts?
Date: June 28 (Sunday) 1-3 pm Mountain time
Speakers: Kristin Barker (Director and Co-Founder of One Earth Sangha) who leads anti-racism workshops for sanghas across the country; and Kritee Kanko (Climate scientist, Rinzai priest/teacher of Boundless in Motion sangha) to reflect on the inseparability of Climate stability and Racial healing
Background: In February 2020 before the pandemic hit, some Zen leaders had gone deep into discussion of Climate crisis. We had a presentation on “Climate myths: Science, Racism, Ethics & Action” (Video) and Q&A at the end of that session energized participants to question how Zen leaders can address lack of diversity within their sanghas in the light of ongoing climate crisis, pandemic and social uprising.
Who is this event for? Senior lay Zen practitioners, ordained folks and authorized Zen teachers of all racial backgrounds. Will include “safe” breakout groups based on racial identities.