Re-Enchanting the World: Love in Action for the Earth and Her Critters!
(Kristal with her Pachyderm Power! staff in Kenya)
Date: June 3, 2017 from 2 to 5 PM (Please bring your own water and snacks to share)
Location: George Reynolds Branch Library, 3595 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder, CO 80305 (Please RSVP by emailing Bonnie Sundance)
Speaker: Kristal Parks, M.A. with Bonnie Sundance as facilitator
Co-sponsors: Boulder EcoDharma Sangha, Our Sacred Earth and Pachyderm Power!
Cost: No Charge. Donations (dana) will be appreciated.
Kristal Parks, M.A., speaker, sacred activist, author, biologist, conservationist, Zen practitioner and visionary, will share anecdotes, amazing stories and profound lessons gleaned from decades of activism in various justice movements. For example, when incarcerated for peace actions, Kristal learned that racial reconciliation and true oneness can happen when we take on the suffering of the other. Or majestic elephants are highly evolved and have a sense of humor and deep tenderness. Or being awed by a blade of grass inspired her to do nonviolent direct actions on Earth’s behalf.
Kristal suggests that the current challenges we face are a momentous opportunity to participate with the ever evolving bio-spiritual Universe in the creation of a new paradigm; which takes its cues from Mother Earth, Indigenous people, science and non-human nations and is defined by celebration, awe, joy and justice; capable of seeing splendor reflected even in the tiniest ant.
For two years Kristal lived as a hermit in the intimate embrace of a forest and what she learned there guides her vision. Also, she was a “human shield” for disappearing Mayans during Guatemala’s civil war; volunteered in refugee camps in South East Asia; helped end apartheid in South Africa; was imprisoned for peace actions; worked with Ecuadorian tribal people to protect the Amazon rain forest and collaborates with Indigenous people worldwide.
In 2005, she founded Pachyderm Power! Love in Action for Elephants and worked to stop elephant genocide in Kenya for 10 years. Her pivotal work there successfully created a brigade of over 1,000 young people on fire to save elephants. Additionally, she worked 12 years to free Ringling Bros. circus elephants.
Kristal weaves a tapestry of justice woven from the various shades, hues and strands of interconnected liberation movements.
Kristal holds a B.Sc. in Biology and an M.A. in Justice, Peace and Social Transformation.