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Zen & Ecodharma retreats

Outdoor walking meditation 2021

Yoga before breakfast in freezing cold

Stunning sky at Ecodharma Center 2021

Zazenkai at Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center

Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center

Mama bear and a cub during weekend retreat

Kinhin (Walking meditation) during zazenkai at RMERC

End of Contemplative environmental practice retreat at Lama Foundation

Teaching at Lama Foundation

Teaching "Three Pillars of sacred movement building" at Lama Foundation

Sangha members at Meditate the Frack out of Boulder, Pearl Street (May 2017)

After talk at Dharma teacher gathering, Omega Institute (2015)

With David Loy & Patrick Groneman, EcoDharma Conference, Wonderwell (2014)

Priest and Vice-Abbot of Han Shan Temple

The great bell at Han Shan Temple. China

Priest Ceremony with Kurt Kankan Spellmeyer (2010)

Roshi Glenn Kangan Webb watching "Nature of Sky", Abbot of Han Shan temple do calligraphy for him

Kangan with Genki Takabayashi
People of Color retreats

Cooking together: 2021 POC retreat
Dharma of Resistance + Boulder Ecodharma Sangha
Meditate the frack out of Boulder + other events

Interfaith Pray-Meditate the Frack out of Boulder Altar

Dharma of Resistance participants stand in solidarity with indigenous leaders #Stopline3

Dharma of Resistance participants stand in solidarity with indigenous leaders #Stopline3

Dharma of Resistance participants stand in solidarity with indigenous leaders #Stopline3

Mediate the Frack out of Boulder, Pearl Street (May 2017)

Meditate the Frack out of Boulder, Pearl Street (May 2017)

Meditate the Frack out of Boulder, Pearl Street (May 2017)

Meditate the Frack out of Boulder, Pearl Street (May 2017)

Closing circle. Meditate the Frack out of Boulder, Pearl Street (May 2017)

Meditate the Frack out of Boulder, Pearl Street (May 2017)

Meditate the Frack out of Boulder, Chautauqua trailhead (May 2017)

Meditate the Frack out of Boulder, Chautauqua trailhead (May 2017)

Meditate the Frack out of Boulder, Chautauqua trailhead (May 2017)

Meditate the Frack out of Boulder, Chautauqua trailhead (May 2017)

Meditate the Frack out of Boulder, Chautauqua trailhead (May 2017)

Fracking in Boulder County (2017)

Fracking in Boulder County (April 2017)

EcoDharma Vows ceremony (2016)

EcoDharma vows ceremony with David Chernikoff (2016) (Photo edited by Late David Mendosa)

EcoDharma vows ceremony with David Chernikoff (2016)

EcoDharma gathering (Dec 2016)

Candace Walworth lalking about non-violent communication (Dec 2016)

Discussion on Standing Rock (Dec 2016)

Dianne Greenwald & Raymond Salvatore talking about Standing Rock (Dec 2016)
Fierce vulnerability workshop
Training of yet-to-be-named-network (2019)
Sacred activism, science, art

At Regenerative Future Summit

Tlaloc - Indigenous God of water

Quetzalcoatl - Indigenous God of Wind

Indian cooking class with Imtiaz