Video recordings & Resources shared during class
Passwords for videos available upon registration 

1) **Meditation 101 : Body, breath and heart-mind 
    — Traditional Rinzai Zen perspective (Contact us for a lesson)
    — Indigenous/Animist, Feminine and Ecodharma perpectives (VideoSongPrayer)

2) # Four BIG truths of Buddhism: Roots of suffering and oppression (VideoSong)
3) *## ”How-to guide for facing suffering and oppression” also called “Eightfold Path”
— Thervada, Mahayana, Buddhayana perspectives (Video)
— Polycrisis perspective (Video)
4) *Zen koan study: Why and How? (Video, See Aug 20 homework)
5) **Silent meditation intensive (Zen Sesshin: Format, Koans, Bowing, Chanting)(Video)
6) # Precepts and paramitas: Our collective north star that helps us with meditation (covered in part in module 3)

Some of these classes (marked with **) are prerequisites for anyone wanting to do a silent meditation intensive (sesshin) with our sangha.  The ones marked with just one asterick (*) are recommended but not required for attending retreats. Others (marked with the sign #) are pre-requisites for doing through Jukai. Sliding scale donations/dana will be invited at the end of each session to support our sangha’s work. Homework will be sent to participants and there will be time for questions during these sessions.  Please let me know if you would like to be included in the email list for these topics and please feel free to invite your friends who might have interest in meditation to these sessions.

Please don’t share the webpage and video materials publicly. Passwords and exact dates of classes are shared over email with all registered participants.

Dates and passwords
They will be shared with registered participants. Please email kriteek AT gmail DOT com.

Format (AM Mountain time zone)
 7.00- 8:30 :  Meditation (Three 25 min sits: One can join just for 1-2 sits)
 8:30- 8:40: Bathroom and Somatic break with movement/song 
 8:40- 8:55: Sharing in pairs
 8:55-10:00: Teachings on the topic of the day and group Q&A
You might want to take a snack for breakfast during the break or during the session. Feel free to keep video off while eating.

Written summary of classes & Homework
Webpage: The latest class’s homework is at the top! 

If you are queer, struggling with health, a student. activist or working your way to healing as a person of color, you shouldn’t worry about financial donation. You might be able to help with transcription of our talks, offer help with social media work or updating webpages or bring other gifts to sangha.

If you do have the capacity to make a financial donation, your dana will be deeply appreciated. You can pay anything at sliding scale of $15 to $50 per class. You can send money through Paypal via this link or Venmo to @Kriteekanko. or send a check written to “Kritee Kritee” and mail to 3655 Smuggler Place, Boulder, CO 80305