We invite you to make a financial, non $ currencies or in-kind donations to honor the time and energy we spend in dharma, activist and other teaching activities. Your generosity will support our work at the interface of trauma-resilience, inner healing, and community building for undoing white supremacy and confronting climate crisis. We welcome donations to build up a scholarship fund for people of color/students/activists for our residential retreats. We also welcome donations for our work with indigenous communities.
— For sending dana (donation) to our teachers, you can send money through Zelle, Cashapp, Paypal, Venmo or check. See details here.
— For sending a payment for our programs or making a tax deductible donation to Boundless in Motion (a 501(c)3 nonprofit), you can send money via Venmo to @Boundless-In-Motion. You can also send us a check made to “Boundless in Motion” and mailed to 3655 Smuggler Place, Boulder, CO 80305
— You can help us with transcribing talks or helping with administration of our programs.