Zen & Ecodharma talks, articles & presentations

As Zen & Eco-dharma practitioners, we present below recent public offerings of our guiding teacher that are at the interface of individual level spiritual growth, community building as well as strategic education and action.
Videos, articles and presentations on Ecology/Climate + Spirituality + Action
How can we prepare ourselves spiritually and psychologically to confront the societal challenges of our times? How do contemplative practices of our times need to change to be able to offer a “non-dual” response to our socio-ecological predicament? What will it take to create a spiritually rooted movement?
Lives of all species, along with all our stories and economies, depend on very thin and precious layers of air, water and soil on Earth. The story of human life on the planet can not be “saved” and healed without our realization that our biosphere, along with its intricate web of life-supporting processes, is really fragile. We need to (and can) protect the biosphere to protect ourselves and our future generations.
Personal level spiritual practices won’t suffice on their own: ‘Nature’ or spiritual reality doesn’t exist in isolation with other aspects of our life; and we need to pay strategic attention to the health of our communities, media, governmental, financial and economic institutions. On the other hand, strategic thinking by itself won’t heal and empower us! How will we find our balance? Please explore our offerings and let us know what you think!